
Even Behind Bars, Work Has Dignity

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
Stub leadership bricks

The stories of the men who are incarcerated at the Crowley, CO, Correctional Facility are many. Locked behind bars for crimes against society, people and businesses, these men are paying for their conduct. But many of them are learning dignity through work.

In a unique program, the inmate create cabinets and build roof trusses destined for Habitat for Humanity homes. In an article by the Denver Post, the program is described as both one of great discipline and yet freedom for those involved. The work is redemptive.

“Sometimes, as inmates cut and plane the boards, they imagine the people who one day will live in those homes, They think about who might open the drawers and doors of the oak cabinents they build.”

One inmate describes the quality that goes into their product.

"I’ve been on job sites where, if you dropped a truss, it’d fall apart because it was made cheap and fast,” he said. “Here, we’ve got nothing but time to build with quality. We teach a work ethic, and pride in craftsmanship.”

Another said, “Probably the most important thing I learned in the program is the work ethic."

Before an inmate can have the priviledge of being accepted into the program, they must spend two months sweeping and cleaning the floors. It’s meant to weed out those who aren’t willing to put forth the effort.

“We're not just building cabinets,” said Warden Michael Miller. “We're giving men in prison something to hope for when they get out. This gives these men a chance to learn a skill that will take them into a different way of life. This program reinforces all the positive discipline we all need in our lives."

Read the entire article here.

Post by Newsletter Editor David Rupert. Image credits to be found in the accompanying gallery.