Your Favorite Faith and Work Resources in 2024
News and Events / Produced by TOW Project
This Christmas season, as you celebrate Jesus' birth and head into 2025, we at the Theology of Work Project pray that God's Spirit will empower you to discover the joy of connecting your work and God's word through the Bible.
Below, we've listed this year's most popular free resources for you. We invite you to browse through them and see if anything speaks to you in this moment. You may also find some resources you want to incorporate in 2025 to connect with God in your work!
These resources are free because of donations from people like you. The Theology of Work Project helps millions of Christians worldwide to connect the Bible and work, and to be a part of what Jesus is doing in the workplace. As you consider your end of year giving, we invite you to donate to support the Theology of Work Project.
Blessings to you during this Christmas season!
Making It Work Podcast
- Building Workplace Culture for Mental Wellness, with Rebecca Brune, Executive Director of The Congregational Collective and former Chief Strategy Officer of Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute. Part 1 of our 3-part series on Mental Health.
- Rehumanizing Athletes: God Between the Lines in Sports, with Reverend Dr. Gary Green, assistant professor of pastoral theology and social transformation and director of anti-racist initiatives at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities.
- The Gospel & Authentic Storytelling, with Marcus Goodyear, Senior Director of Communications at the Howard E. Butt Foundation and Managing Editor of Echoes Magazine.
- Thriving as a Sensitive Soul at Work, with Dorcas Cheng Tozun, award winning writer, editor, speaker and communications consultant, and author of Social Justice for The Sensitive Soul: How To Change The World In Quiet Ways.
- The Power of Listening to the Bible Together, with Tom Cole, founder and president of the advisory firm, Narrow Gate Partners, and discussion leader. Videos for Studying the Bible Together
- Romans Chapters 1-3: The Gospel of Salvation - Paul's writings have much to offer us about faith, about life in Jesus, about God’s kingdom, and about the quality of life both before and after death. Part 1 of the Romans series.
- Proverbs Chapters 1-5: The Wisdom of Proverbs - The book of Proverbs tells us that the wisdom we gain is not just for ourselves, but also to share with others. Part 1 of the Proverbs series.
- 1 Samuel Chapters 24-25: Defusing a Crisis - This passage shows us that you don’t have to have authority status to be called to exercise influence. Showing respect, even while making a pointed criticism, provides a model for challenging authority. Part 5 of the 1 & 2 Samuel series.
New in 2024, we uploaded an ongoing series of 10-minute video discussions with leader Andy Mills and TOW Executive Director Will Messenger, offering tips for anyone interested in leading The full series is updated regularly. Some highlights:
- Andy Mills on Leading a Discussion of Luke Chapters 1-4
- Will Messenger on Leading a Discussion of Job Chapters 24-28
- Andy Mills on Leading a Discussion of Song of Songs Chapters 1-5
Theology of Work Bible Commentary Articles
- The Kingdom of God Shows Up at Work (Luke 1-5) - If it seems strange for God to announce his plan to save the world in the midst of two workplaces, it might seem even stranger that he introduces Jesus with a job description.
- God Creates the World (Genesis 1:1-2:3) - Genesis is incomparably significant for the theology of work because it tells the story of God’s work of creation, the first work of all and the prototype for all work that follows.
- God’s Presence in Our Struggles at Work (Psalm 23) - This passage is a reminder to see our work from God’s perspective—not primarily as an instrument for our gratification, but as our part in God’s mission in the world.